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Limited Time Writing 1

Limited Time Writing 1

Q English 1B: Writing about Literature Length: an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a very brief conclusion: about 2.5 to 4 pages Follow MLA formatting guidelines For Thesis models--please see below! You will be doing a Timed Writing that you will have two days to complete; timed writings are the closest thing to a test we have in this class, so there is no peer or teacher review. The key thing is to show that you have read the novel and that you know how to organize your introduction and your body paragraphs. You should plan on writing an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a brief conclusion. Timed Writing #1: Song of Solomon Please choose just one of the prompts below from the novel you read. You should write a brief introduction that ends with your thesis. Your thesis should answer the underlined question and include the author and title. You should then write two body paragraphs and a brief conclusion. The body paragraphs should follow PIE, include a minimum of two quotations and analyze those quotations carefully; the body paragraphs should show and prove your point. The conclusion may be short and should focus on explaining to your peers (other college students) how the book and the topic of your essay is important and relevant for them. Why should others read it? To be clear—you should have four paragraphs in all—an introduction, two body paragraphs, and conclusion. I will grade your essays based on the rubric attached to this assignment. Song of Solomon 1. Macon Sr. was killed for his farm, so Macon Jr. does all he can to acquire property, which Milkman sees as an example of how Macon Jr. loved his father and tried to be like him but took it too far. Macon Jr.’s wealth is like the peacock’s tail—it weighs him down, burdening him until he is unable to fly. How is Milkman similarly weighed down? How does he release his burdens and learn to fly? 2. Guitar’s concern with social justice, especially in response to the brutal slaying of Emmett Till in 1955 and the four girls who were killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963, can be seen as rooted in his own experiences with racism and poverty. He has little in common with Milkman, whose wealth insulates him from much of the injustice that many Southside residents suffer from. Focusing primarily on Milkman and Guitar, develop and argument about what comment the novel makes on the Civil Rights Movement. 3. Many of Toni Morrison’s books are told from a woman’s point of view, but Song of Solomon is told from the point of view of Milkman, a man who struggles to empathize with the women in his life, partly because of the patriarchal worldview he learned from his father. How does the novel change when the story shifts to reveal the perspectives of Ruth, Pilate, Hagar, Corinthians, or Lena? What comment does the novel make about women in relation to flight? Thesis Models; 1st story: Conrad uses imagery of light and dark in Heart of Darkness. 2nd story: Conrad uses imagery of light and dark in Heart of Darkness to represent the contrast between civilization and savagery. 3rd story: Conrad uses imagery of light and dark in Heart of Darkness to represent the contrast between civilization and savagery, ultimately suggesting that civilization and savagery are less matters of the state of a culture than the state of an individual’s mind. Rubric Limited Time Rubric (1) Limited Time Rubric (1) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction It begins with a general introduction to the topic (or a hook) and then gives the author and title following by a brief description of what the story says about the topic. 2 pts Full Marks 1 pts Almost there! 0 pts No Marks 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis The thesis responds to the prompt appropriately. It has one clear topic and a clear college level idea about it. It’s a unified idea about the story, not a list. (It should be the last sentence of the intro.) It’s a good idea to include the author or title in the thesis to help you focus on the idea you want to discuss in your essay. 5 pts Full Marks 3.57 pts Almost there! 2.5 pts Needs work 0 pts No Marks 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody paragraphs The body paragraphs: Each paragraph focuses on a single, main idea that is clearly stated at the beginning (a topic sentence needs one topic and one point about it). The paragraphs include at least two quotations with lead-ins and transitions, and these quotations are analyzed to show and prove your topic sentence. At the end of the paragraph, the essay draws a conclusion and may contain a transition to the next paragraph 10 pts Full Marks 7.5 pts Almost there! 6.25 pts Need closer attention to the text 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion The conclusion: should focus on explaining to your peers (other college students) how the book and the topic of your essay is important and relevant for them. Why should others read it? 1 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence craft Sentence craft: There may be an occasional error, but the writing is fluent and clear. The writer explains his/her/their ideas clearly. 2 pts Full Marks 1 pts Some errors 0 pts No Marks 2 pts Total Points: 20 PreviousNext

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Limited Time Writing #1-- SOS Milkman’s father Macon Jr. was a stout person with no mercy or emotion. Milkman has been bestowed with such lessons which is evident in the beginning of the novel. Macon Sr. has gained a wealth and his father, Solomon, was such African American that he was allowed to fly. Milkman, upon Ruth’s teaching has learned that Macon Jr. was a rude parent and tried to kill his own son. She divulged to Milkman that Macon Jr. had least interest on her and his family. Morrison uses the family narrative and history associated with it in The Song of Solomon to understand the nature of African American and how their salvation is important and based on their family narratives.